In the 1990's I began to make things that I used to buy, including body care products. Soon after I began to feel better. I had more energy and was more often in a good mood. People began to notice that I looked better. I began to get compliments on my hair and skin that I hadn't received before. All this in my mid 40's!
I discovered that I had eliminated daily doses of toxic synthetic chemicals that I hadn't even known were there. (Find out more about some of them at Ingredients to Avoid)
Soon friends started asking me to make the creams and shampoos for them. As word got out, the number of customers grew and Herbaliz was born. The need for skin and hair care products without toxins was clear.
Along the way I have received, and continue to receive, an education. Or perhaps several educations. About toxins, about herbs, about essential oils, about skin and hair, about websites and blogs, about gardening, about herbalism, about shipping, sales and marketing, and about the process of learning. I'm sure there is more and I hope it never ends!
The business has grown far beyond my expectations. Thanks to all the willing friends, relatives, and customers who make requests and provide feedback, try and test new products, Herbaliz continues to get better. I am excited to be part of a larger community, that is interested in personal well being and that of our world in general.
Thank you,
Liz McEwan