Contact Us




+1 (334) 356-4500
From 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Saturday. The phone is manned most of the time, but not always- we each wear several hats. Feel free to leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

Mailing Address and Physical Address

Herbaliz LLC
4004 Wares Ferry Road
Montgomery, AL 36109
Open hours by appointment. We no longer have in-person shop hours. All orders will be shipped or can be picked up from a bin outside the shop. If you want to see the workshop, masks are required. Please stay safe and well.

Local customers are encouraged to select the shipping option "I'll pick it up" when ordering. When your order is ready, we will email or call to arrange for pickup.

If you would just like to visit the shop, give us a call and we will arrange to be available at a time convenient to you. Visiting allows you to see where the products are made, and, perhaps most important, to smell and test them. Please note that not all products will be available to take home right away, because we make them only upon order.

Or fill in the form below to contact us
